Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dax is Bored!!!!!

I was working from home and Dax spent the entire morning sleeping. Until around noon. Then he was bored. Here he is trying to get my attention - perhaps I'd like to go sit on the sofa and cuddle with him?

After 10 minutes of trying to get my attention, he gave up and I spotted this pathetically bored, but incredibly comfy looking, pose. Luckily he got to go out for his walk about 15 minutes later!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What was that?

 All sorts of noises go on around the neighbourhood!
"But what was that?"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ball catching!

 Today we took Dax and Abby for a bit of ball catching. Here is Dax taking a rest!
 Abby doesn't chase the ball much anymore, she likes to tear the ball apart into little bits - here she is spitting out a bit of pink rubber!
 Dax is catching his breath!
Then we walked by the ponds. Dax and Abby both stood at the edge and watched all the ducks and geese! Dax ventured into the water for a bit, but he was more interested in drinking it, than swimming! It was a beautiful day!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

He Swims!

He couldn't help himself! Those darned ducks!

We are pretty proud of Dax today! Of course now we are going to have trouble keeping him out of the water!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baby Steps!

 On our walk at the pond today, Dax was a little more daring! He's always been afraid of the water and despite several attempts to get him swimming, we've never seen him willingly go into the water!
 Here he is 'pointing' at the ducks!
He actually waded into the water after the ducks!!!!! We are so proud!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waitin' for Dad!

Dax has found a new spot to sit and wait for his Dad when he goes out! He almost fell asleep!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

 Today started out foggy, but it turned into a beautiful fall day!
 Perfect for a walk!
 We couldn't keep Abby out of the pond this time! She ventured in!
 So Dax ventured into the pond too!
 Lots of ducks and geese in the pond today!
 Then Abby decided to explore the bushes!
 So Dax did too!
 Dax is watching some birds he managed to stir up in the fields!

Here, he's just looking dapper!