Firstly, Abby is feeling much better today! Yay! Abby loves to chew on rawhides - it's her favourist thing to do! When I came downstairs this afternoon, she looked up at me for help and I noticed this little rawhide bone in her mouth. I thought that was unusual because usually she doesn't stop chewing until it's gone. Or she'll drop it onto the floor, all the while protecting it, in case a certain Boingle (Dax) comes along and tries to steal it from her! Then I realized! The bone was stuck on her tooth! I tried to get it "unstuck" for her without success!

Here is a photo where I was trying to see into her mouth to figure out what was going on!

Abby decided to wait for her Hero Dad to return from Home Depot! She knew that he would get it unstuck and he did! Yay!
And this is what Dax thought about it all!!!!!!
KC loved rawhide, especially round ones.