So this is what a trip to the dog park is like with Dax. First, he demands that you throw the ball for him to run after and bring back to you. If you don't respond in a timely manner, he barks at you and lets you know in no uncertain terms that you are not keeping up and meeting his expectations!

When he gets bored with that, he'll join in the 'chase'! It's not always known who is chasing who, but there is definitely chasing going on! Until someone decides they need a rest! And then the others begin digging. Dax likes to dig. He's often the one to start digging and the others have to come have a look. Depending on his mood, he'll ignore them and keep digging, will tell them all with a very loud bark that they should "back off!" Or, he'll go find something else to do and let one of the other dogs continue where he left off! And that is a day at the dog park, with Dax! No wonder he needs to nap all afternoon!
Happy dogs!